Ocular Surface Disease and Dry Eye - Causes and Symptoms

3 minute read

dry eye

Ocular surface disease (OSD) is an umbrella term that covers various eye diseases affecting the surface of the eye. The most common OSD is dry eye, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Dry eye is a chronic condition caused by an imbalance of the tear film, which is the protective layer of tears that covers the eye. When the tear film is disrupted, the eye can become dry, irritated, and uncomfortable.

Is OSD Serious?

OSD is a serious condition affecting the eyes and surrounding structures. It is a broad term used to describe various conditions that can affect the eye's surface, impairing vision and causing discomfort. OSD can include dry eye syndrome, pterygium, pinguecula, conjunctivitis, and blepharitis.

What Are the Causes?

Understanding the causes of ocular surface disease can help you protect your vision and ensure proper eye care.

1. Infections

Infections can also cause ocular surface disease. Bacterial infections, such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis, can lead to inflammation and scarring of the eye’s surface. Viral infections, such as herpes simplex, can also cause ocular surface disease. In addition, fungi and parasites can also infect the eyes, leading to ocular surface disease.

2. Inflammation

Inflammation can be a cause of ocular surface disease. Various factors, including allergies, contact lens use, and autoimmune disorders, can cause this. Allergies can cause chronic inflammation of the eyes, which can lead to dry eye and other conditions. 

What Are the Treatment Options?

OSD can cause various symptoms, such as redness, burning, stinging, and a gritty sensation. Treatment of OSD depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the condition.

1. Lubricating Eye Drops or Ointments

The first line of treatment for OSD is typically the use of lubricating eye drops or ointments. These can help to reduce the symptoms of OSD by providing the eye with a protective layer of moisture that helps to soothe and heal the ocular surface.

2. Medications

In cases of allergic conjunctivitis, antihistamines, decongestants, and mast cell stabilizers can help to reduce the symptoms of OSD. These medications can help to reduce the inflammation and itching associated with the condition.

3. Dry Eye Mask

A dry eye mask is a device worn over the eyes to keep them moist and reduce any inflammation or discomfort associated with OSD. It works by combining warm and cold air currents to stimulate blood flow and improve the production of tears. Additionally, it helps reduce the amount of tear evaporation, which can cause dry eye. The mask is usually worn for approximately 15 minutes at a time, and can be done up to three times a day.

The use of a dry eye mask is effective in treating a variety of different ocular surface diseases. In particular, it has been shown to be effective in treating dry eye, blepharitis, and meibomian gland dysfunction. It has also been found to improve the overall comfort and quality of vision in those with OSD.


Ocular surface diseases, such as dry eye, are common and often debilitating conditions that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. The cause of ocular surface diseases is often linked to environmental and microbial factors. Treatment for these conditions includes eye drops and ointments, medications, and dry eye masks. It is important for anyone suffering from ocular surface diseases to seek prompt medical attention from an eye care professional, as these diseases can lead to complications if left untreated.

Dry Eye Mask is a specialty eye care provider specializing in dry eye syndrome, providing complete treatment and prevention for dry, itchy eyes. If you’re looking for an at-home remedy, try our dry eye mask today!