How Computer Use Can Lead to Computer Vision Syndrome

3 minute read

woman working on laptop with vision problems

Over half of the Western world spends hours a day using electronic devices, such as phones, computers, tablets, and TVs. This extended use of these devices can cause eye discomfort and dryness, leading to a condition called computer vision syndrome (CVS).

CVS is a collection of eye-related problems that result from the long-term use of digital devices like computers and smartphones. Symptoms include eye strain, blurry vision, headache, and dry eyes. These issues can be caused by long hours of staring at a digital screen at a distance that is too close. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are working and studying from home. As a result, eye doctors are seeing an increase in the number of adults and children experiencing eye strain and other related problems. 

The Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome

  • Blurry vision
  • Burning eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Red and watery eyes 

Computer vision syndrome is a set of eye health issues caused by the prolonged use of digital screens, such as computer monitors, smartphones, and tablets. It is similar to dry eye syndrome, a condition that occurs when people don't blink enough when looking at digital screens.  

People with computer vision syndrome may experience eye strain, blurred vision, headaches, and dry eyes. To reduce the risk of developing computer vision syndrome, it is important to take regular breaks from looking at digital screens, blink often, and adjust the brightness/contrast of the screen to a comfortable level.

Managing Your Computer Vision Syndrome

Luckily, computer vision syndrome can be effectively managed with a few simple adjustments to your screen time. Make it a habit to take regular breaks while using your computer or device. Set a timer to remind you every 20 minutes to take a quick break.  

During your break, look away from the screen and focus on something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Doing this will help reduce the strain on your eyes caused by staring at a screen for an extended period. Additionally, you can position your computer screen so that it is 20 to 28 inches away from your eyes and the center of the screen is 4 to 5 inches lower than your eye level.

A cool-air humidifier is a device that adds moisture to the air in a room or space. It can help prevent dryness in the eyes, nasal passages, and skin by maintaining a comfortable humidity level. This can be especially useful in the winter months when the air is drier than usual. 

You can also try reducing light reflection off your screen. Position your screen in a way that prevents light from windows and other sources from reflecting off of it. You can also use a filter to help reduce the amount of glare coming from your screen, making it easier for your eyes to read. 

Lastly, invest in a pair of computer glasses to help your eyes stay healthy when looking at a computer screen. They will aid your eyes in focusing on the screen more manageably, and the blue-light filter will protect your eyes from blue light emitted by digital devices, which may be damaging.


Computer vision syndrome is a complex set of vision-related problems that can develop due to extended periods of computer usage. To help reduce the risk of developing CVS, it is essential to make sure your computer environment is ergonomically correct, take frequent breaks, and maintain good vision health.  

It is also important to remember that CVS can affect both adults and children, so make sure to pay attention to any signs of discomfort or fatigue that your child may be experiencing while using the computer. Taking these steps can help to prevent or reduce the symptoms associated with CVS.

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